22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Michigan 2012 Election: Proposal 2, Collective Bargaining

(By Andrew MacKie-Mason)

Michigan's Proposal 12-2 seeks to amend the US Constitution to protect the right of employees, both public and private, to collectively bargain. The actual language of the proposed constitutional amendment can be found here (link courtesy of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan). While the proposal itself seems relatively simple, the CRC makes a compelling case that the effects of Proposal 12-2 may be more far-reaching than its language suggests. While the right to collectively bargain is important, it's not at all clear that it should be unlimited.

Unfortunately, a lot of the opposition to Proposal 12-2 has been based on misconceptions: for instance, the idea that it is about special rights for public employees over private employees.

The right to unionize is important, and should be protected in the Constitution. But, pace my progressive friends, it probably shouldn't be as protected as this amendment would provide for. So, I'm going to tentatively recommend voting "NO" on Proposal 12-2, unless people can change my mind.

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