23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Recaller Taints West Bend Memorial Day Parade

Our family attended the Memorial Day parade in West Bend.  We witnessed many, many servicemen, young and old, representing all branches of service.  We were humbled by their presence and honored to be the recipient of the freedom that comes with sacrifice.  Vintage cars, military vehicles, new 'vettes passed by.  Elected officials walked, waved and lent time to honor this day of remembrance.

And then there was the lone recaller......

An older man riding a three-wheeled bike.

He had a large sign across the back of his cycle that read "Recall Walker."


A true spoiler to a solemn and honorable event.

Who let this happen?

Here are a few pics of those who served, along with a "thank you" to all military personnel, past and present.

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