13 Kasım 2012 Salı

Demands of Living Wage at UVA

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By Living Wage at UVA
Source: Living Wage at UVASaturday, February 25, 2012   The Living Wage Campaign calls for all University of Virginia employees, direct or contract, to be paid a living wage of $13.00 per hour plus benefits. Our full demands are:   1. Every UVA employee must be guaranteed a LIVING WAGE under university policy.
This wage can be no less than $13.00 and must be adjusted on an annual basis to comply with the Economic Policy Institute’s regionally-sourced cost-of-living and inflation calculations. The implementation of a living wage must not come at the reduction of any other benefits, including health care. This base wage must be extended not only to direct university employees but also to contract and subcontract employees; the campaign holds that outsourcing core functions does not relieve the University of its obligation to treat employees fairly. UVA must therefore consolidate and make publicly available all data from contractors regarding labor conditions, a right it already reserves in a number of contracts. Contractors who do not meet these requirements will not be eligible.

2. All working members of the UVA community have the right to job security.
In implementing the living wage policy, no jobs or wages will be eliminated or diminished. The University must commit to providing full-time jobs when possible, and part-time or temporary work only when necessary. What the University calls an entry-level wage should be just that: a wage for entry-level employees only. Entry-level wages must not be permanent wages and there must be clear and feasible channels for advancement. A strong community is built by those who share sustained personal investment in it, a goal which can only be achieved by ensuring workers have access to full time and appropriately compensated employment.

All UVA workers must be guaranteed safe, just, and humane working conditions.
This includes clearly publicized avenues for reporting wage violations and/or unsafe working conditions. UVA must protect workers’ rights to organize, to speak out about poor working conditions or low wages, and to file grievances without fear of retaliation. The University must also acknowledge the disproportionate number of women and people of color at the bottom of the wage scale. UVA must take concrete steps to address these disparities through the equitable promotion of people of color and women.

4. The University must allow and facilitate the creation of a Living Wage Oversight Board,
an employee organization with oversight responsibilities for ensuring the University’s ongoing commitment to providing a living wage for all employees. This task force will also serve as a resource for workers to report grievances and labor violations without fear of reprisal or retaliation.

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