This article at The New Republic is a very well done and interesting profile of the Romney family, with a focus on Mitt's son Tagg. Here's a short excerpt:
GIVEN THAT Tagg and his father place so much stock in making their own way, you might think this path to success would be a source of mild embarrassment, or at least sheepishness. This is not the case. “There are lots of people out there with connections having similar meetings, but we’re able to close the deal because we built a pretty good model,” Tagg says. A close friend puts it this way: “Tagg is too self-aware and too honest to not admit that there’s been some benefits professionally from his dad’s fund-raising network.” But this friend insists Tagg would be successful no matter what: “With or without that pedigree, Tagg works hard.”
There is no doubt about that. On the day of the vice presidential debate in October, I caught Tagg just past noon in the Washington exurbs, where he was addressing a crowd of his father’s supporters. In person, he looked remarkably like his mother, with her toothy smile and bird-like eyes. He spoke winningly about his family, including what he described as the one credential he had over his father: a daughter. Roughly nine hours and four stops later, I saw Tagg turn up at the University of Virginia, a good 100 miles from Dulles airport, where he was flying out early the next morning. When I left, around 11 p.m., he was still shaking hands and posing for photos, looking just as put together as ever, with a line of waiting admirers snaking through the room.
But the question isn’t whether Tagg works hard. It’s whether hard work accounts for as much of the Romneys’ achievements as he and his father assume. “Tagg likes to talk about advice my grandfather gave each of us and Dad,” says his younger brother Josh. “That is, success comes when luck meets preparation. He talks about that a lot. He wants to be in position to achieve success.” But capitalizing on the kind of break Tagg got—being born into the right family—requires a lot less preparation than most.
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